Playing roulette on live tables for the first time can be daunting and it’s important you understand some simple roulette etiquette – what you can & can not do – otherwise you risk being frogmarched out the door. I liken roulette etiquette at a casino table to manners at the dinner-table. We were all taught not to throw food at our siblings or fart during dinner, and you probably recall the resulting punishments dished-out if we did.
Even though I’ve been playing roulette for a number of years it was only in November 2023 when I first played at a live table. Previously I had been held back by anxiety, want to make get it wrong. I had always been happy sitting at a console while a Croupier spun the wheel on stage.
By the way they continue to break the rules at Crown Casino, Perth, Western Australia.
A good friend of mine was also at the casino with me in November who only played live tables, so it was an opportunity for me to learn. Now I’m passing it on to you.
Thanks mate, I appreciate it.
Roulette Etiquette – Things you must know before playing
1: Choose a Roulette Table
Be aware that minimum bets vary from one table to another. The cheaper tables will likely be 00 (double zero) tables or even 000 (triple zero). My opinion is if you play 000 tables you’re a bit soft in the head because the casino has better odds of beating you at those tables. Single 0 tables will probably have a higher minimum bet. Here in Australia a single zero wheel has a minimum bet of $10 whereas double zero tables are only $5.
2: Getting Roulette Chips

You are going to need Chips and all you need to do is handover some money to your Croupier, that might be a $20, $50, or $100 note. They will take it and count out your chips in the denomination of the minimum bet. Each Chip will likely all be the same colour. Remember your colour because other players have different colours and you don’t want to mix them up. Different colours allow Croupiers to determine whose Chips are on what numbers.
Depending on your particular casino the Chips may not be transferable between tables. Perhaps some Chips are while others aren’t, by this I mean some Chips are considered Cash Chips and can be used anywhere in the casino whereas smaller denominations may only be usable at the current table.
Special Note about Roulette Chips
3: Other players Chips
Under no circumstances can you touch another players chips. Touching someone else Chips for no reason (see placing bets for a possible exception) will get you a mouthful of abuse from the Chips owner and the Croupier – Never ever do it!
4: Placing bets
Between games betting is available. You only have a minute or two (maybe three if you’re lucky) to put bets down on the table. That means your next bet should already be in your mind so you can place chips quickly. Other players will also be betting so be respectful of them and do not obstruct nor hinder their ability to place Chips. If another player’s Chips are on a number you want you can put your Chips on top of theirs. That is the only time you are allowed to get close to another players Chips. Once your Chips are down you can only touch them again to move or remove them and only if “No More Bets” has not been called.
Chip placement must be as precise as possible so there is no ambiguity of what your bet is. If a Chip is touching a dividing line between two numbers it is unclear if it is a Split or Straight Up Bet. There is a big difference in the payout so save yourself the grief and place bets carefully.
5: You can bet until the Croupier calls “No More Bets”
The Croupier will spin the wheel and start the ball rolling. For a roulette game to be valid the ball must complete three full rotations of the wheel at which time the Croupier will wave their hands over the table and say “No More Bets”.
Once “No More Bets” is called betting must stop and you all wait for the result. If you put additional Chips down the Croupier will remove them.
Do not touch any Chips currently in play, even after the ball stops and settles into a number pocket.
6: The Roulette Dolly or Marker and collecting winnings

When play has completed and a final result is known the Croupier will place the Dolly or Marker onto the winning number on top of any Chips. Do not touch anything while the Croupier sorts out winners & losers.
The Croupier will sweep away all losing bets, hopefully yours isn’t one of them. Only after losing bets are removed will the Croupier count payable chips and push them towards the winning number or towards your pile of Chips.
Once all bets have been paid the Dolly or Marker will be removed. Then and only then can winners can collect their roulette riches. Remember, Chips are coloured and you must only collect your coloured Chips.
7: A new game starts
Once the Dolly or Marker has been removed and all players have collected their respective winnings you can start betting again. The entire cycle repeats until you’re buying a Ferrari, totally broke, or choose to leave.
Never wander off and leave your Chips at the table!
8:Cashing in
If you choose to leave you should confirm with the Croupier if your Chips are Cash Chips or not. They will exchange any non Cash Chips for Cash Chips. Cash Chips can be used at other tables or taken to the cashier and be exchanged for real money.
You are ready to play Roulette
Congratulations if you have read this far, that tells me you’re serious about playing roulette and proper roulette etiquette at a casino table.
You should always treat Roulette, or any form of gambling, as a bit of fun rather than a way to make money. You can make good money but at the same time you can lose a lot of money too – that’s why it’s called gambling.
Never gamble with more money than you can afford to lose!
My motto is “Be a smart gambler, not a greedy one!”
On that note, I sincerely wish you happy roulette adventures.